di Liuteria Antica
Naturally seasoned Italian Spruce
Bosnian Maple
Wood itself is an alive material created by the nature.
Even if cut down wood still lives further.
Concerning to the cutting period can get the same wood
dry fast or slow, remain heavy or become lighter, become wormy
or protective against wood parasites.
answer to all those questions is to be found in the nature.
All people were in former times living in harmony of
nature's and lunar rhythm. Also trees were cut down considering
phases of the moon.
There are 4 moon phases: invisible, increasingly, full
and waning. The combinations of these phases and the zodiac bring
different effects as well since the moon goes through all the
zodiac signs during a single month.
Nowadays is for economical reasons nature set aside.
Kiln drid wood is preferred to natural seasoning. And
that not only for cabinet making but unfortunately also for instrument
building; in a week about will be wood which has been cut
down in any season ready for violin making. The only wood that
will be still cut down in the right moment is that one suitable
for heating because otherwise will be never combustible. Wood
that just won't burn have been cut at the wrong moontime when filled with sap. If moon wanes sap
descendes. Because their sap is low, plants lose less energy.
This wood is referred to as moon-cut or lunar wood.
Are those "fire" woods more valuable than
others used in instrument making? Unfortunately for many people
they are: kiln dried wood for musical instruments offred
as tonewood covered with strong chemical
paint on both sides to prevent cracking during oven drying. What
can acustically speaking this died wood offer to an instrument
maker? ... and what can the instrument maker using such a wood
offer to a musician?
Our company prefer to come back to origins and try
to offer quality tonewoods which are treated as a natural product
like wood should be.
Trees are cut down from Autumn to Winter in the waning moon ( the period of time after
the full moon) and the worked pieces follow a strict natural seasoning
in our storehouse in the Alps thanks to the natural mountain climate.
To prevent cracking are planks covered with parafine and when
dried carefully selected one by one with utmost care.
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